How Landscaping Companies Mow a Lawn Professionally

Keeping your lawn breathtakingly beautiful requires some expert knowledge.

Let’s show you how to mow a lawn professionally by sharing with you how the pros do it.

The Right Equipment

Aside from the lawn mower and safety gear, landscaping companies employ additional tools to help them achieve that clean, manicured look.

They use a leaf blower and string trimmer to keep lawn edges and the areas around obstacles, such as trees and flowerbeds, looking crisp and clean.

Professionals only mow with the sharpest blades. In fact, they sharpen their blades at least twice a week. Sharp blades produce well-manicured lawns. Therefore, sharpen your blades regularly to get cleaner cuts.

RELATED – While you are at it you should know benefits of mulching mower on your lawn.

In summary, you’ll only know how to mow a lawn professionally if you have the tools that the pros use, namely:

lawn-mower with striping system

Mowing an Overgrown Lawn

When mowing an overgrown yard, professionals usually choose to bag the clippings. Overgrown grass can easily clog the mower deck and leave ugly clumps of clippings on the lawn, making bagging the wisest option.

When it comes to the order of cutting grass on such lawns, they follow this order:

  1. Edge and trim
  2. Blow the clippings
  3. Mow the grass

Edging and trimming your overgrown lawn will throw lots of grass onto your sidewalks and driveways. You’ll want to blow the clippings back into the yard so that you can bag them as you mow.

That will leave a super clean yard. If you blow the driveways and sidewalks again after mowing, there’ll hardly be anything to blow off. Therefore, the neat look of your yard won’t be ruined.

For a lawn that’s mowed regularly, professionals may edge and trim after mowing or edge first, then mow and trim.

There’s not much of a problem with the order you choose to follow if your lawn isn’t overgrown.

Trimming Lawn Edges

When edging, most professionals walk backward to move with the natural spin of the string on the trimmer head and get a nice flush edge. Scalping is a big concern when using a string trimmer.

String trimmer for grass edging

Professionals avoid scalping by not giving the trimmer full throttle. Just give your string trimmer a little throttle, and it will cut your grass nicely.

Landscaping companies also advocate for trimming in the opposite direction to the one you used to mow around your house and landscape beds. That will help make the grass that was laid over by your mower to stand up.

Making a Proper Turn

When making a turn at the end of a pass, professionals have all wheels of their mower moving. That’s because they don’t want to have a pivot wheel stuck in the ground when turning and digging the grass underneath.

You need to make a three — or more — point turn when turning your mower to avoid tearing up the turf.

Slight Overlap

After making a turn, a professional will have his or her mower overlap the row that he or she has just cut a little bit.

Lawn Mowing Overlap

By overlapping each pass, you ensure you cut everything and don’t leave any unsightly clumps of uncut grass behind.

Take Time

A professional will move the mower slow enough for a precise cut. Hasty mowing makes the front of the deck bump up and down and loses out on spots, leaving your yard with an untidy look.

To get a professional-looking cut, avoid rushing through mowing.

Empty the Bag Regularly

When bagging, landscaping companies empty the mower bag frequently, before it’s too full. A bag that’s full of cuttings weighs down the mower and could make it leave unappealing tracks in the lawn.

Alternate Mowing Route

The pros never cut your grass in the same direction every time. That may leave wheel ruts in the lawn.

What’s more, the mowing route also affects how grass grows. Grass blades tend to grow in the direction that you mow them. If you keep mowing the same way every week, your grass may start bending in one direction.

Change the mowing direction the next time you cut to make the grass grow straighter and minimize the damage that mower tires cause.

Now that you’re familiar with how to mow a lawn professionally, you’ll not only enhance your home’s aesthetic appeal but also make your grass much healthier and simple to maintain.